Events Calendar

Women Health Symposium
Saturday 19 August 2023, 8:00AM - 5:00PM
Hits : 2391
Save the date for an incredible event focused on enhancing your knowledge in women's health. Join us at the Women Health Symposium, a day filled with valuable insights and inspiration.
? Event: Women Health Symposium
?️ Date: 19th August 2023
? Venue: Mini Library Auditorium, UMS
⏰ Time: 8:00 am - 4:30 pm
?️ Registration Fee: RM80 per delegate
Engage in insightful discussions, gain practical takeaways, and connect with like-minded healthcare professionals. Reserve your seat now at:
For more information, contact us at:
+60107141545 - Evan Cliff
+60138500362 - Nurul Izza
Join us at the Women Health Symposium to empower women and embrace wellness together! See you on 19th August 2023!