About Klinik Warga Kampus Pertanian Lestari, Sandakan

The Citizens Treatment Clinic (KRW) provides pre / light medical care to the staff of the Faculty of Sustainable Agriculture (FPL) – UMS. Any emergency cases will be referred to a nearby Hospital or Government Clinic and KRW does not issue a “Sijil Sakit Sakit” at this time. KRW also conducts community services such as briefing emergency aid briefings to Primary School students if invited to provide an explanation in conjunction with the Annual Camping Uniforms and Peer Counselors. Services such as “Medic StandBy” in conjunction with a program conducted by Students or FPL staff and provide emergency crates for the Student program only.

Procedures and services

  • General checkup
  • Simple Medicine
  • Medical stand
Hospital Universiti Malaysia Sabah
88400, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Hotline - (088) 320-0000 (212300)


Last Modified

  • Last Modified: Tuesday 27 August 2024, 00:40:10.