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Head of Department


About Us

Ophthalmology is a vital speciality provided by HUMS. The treatment of ophthalmology disease is still evolving. The technology in ophthalmology has improved for patients’ care, teaching and research. The department of ophthalmology is persistent in providing excellent eye service teaching and research in the ophthalmology field. The department of Ophthalmology will always conform to good clinical practice and medical ethics for the benefit of all staffs, patients, students and researchers.

Our Vision

To be the centre for delivering evidence-based ophthalmology practice, high-quality services technologically driven and ethically motivated interventions through multidisciplinary teamwork within professional manner for holistic benefit of disabled individuals as means to promote social inclusivity

Our Mission

  1. Committed to providing continuous excellent eye care to all patients by giving the best expertise, outstanding teamwork, advanced and latest ophthalmology facilities and technology.
  2. We are always working hard to provide a unique teaching environment and source of ophthalmology knowledge to undergraduate and postgraduate students.
  3. Will always facilitate, provide and involve in research for the benefits and advancement of ophthalmology understanding and treatment.
  4. Will also continuously be involved in giving the best eye service to the community by conducting regular outreach programs.

Our Objective

Patients' care:
i. To provide an excellent ophthalmology centre in North Borneo and around the region by providing the best expertise, facility and technology.
ii. To build the department to be the leading eye care referral centre in North Borneo and around the region.

i. To be the centre for ophthalmology education for undergraduate and i To be the centre for sub-specialty training in ophthalmology.
ii To provide a conducive and advanced teaching environment for students and staff.
iii To equip the staff and the department with enough facilities for teaching purposes.

i. To encourage research in ophthalmology for the benefits of the hospital and community.
ii. To provide support staff and enough instruments for the ophthalmology research purpose.
iii. To promote research collaboration with other researchers or experts from other institutions or disciplines related to ophthalmology.
iv. To encourage the active involvement of staff and students in journal publication and conference.

Community service:
i. To encourage the staff at all levels to participate in community eye service actively.
ii To plan the community eye service in rural areas regularly.
iii To provide the necessary facilities in conducting the community eye service successfully.


1. General specialist eye clinic
2. Diabetic retinopathy screening
3. Refraction clinic
4. Colour vision clinic
5. Contact lens aftercare clinic
6. Binocular vision clinic
General specialist eye clinic: every Wednesday 2.00- 5.00 pm(every 2nd & 4th weeks of the month).
Diabetic retinopathy screening ( every Monday).
Operating every Tuesday: 8.00 am - 12.30 pm
i. Refraction clinic
ii. Colour vision clinic
iii. Contact lens aftercare clinic
iv. Binoular vision clinic
Patients can visit UMS polyclinic Kingfisher and Pusat Rawatan Warga UMS.
Or Contact 
088-435281 (UMS polyclinic Kingfisher)
088-329054 (Pusat Rawatan Warga UMS)
Hospital Universiti Malaysia Sabah
88400, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Hotline - (088) 320-0000 (212300)


Last Modified

  • Last Modified: Tuesday 27 August 2024, 00:40:10.