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Head of Department

Prof. Dr. Kew Seih Teck

About Us

HUMS Paediatrics Department serves to provide healthcare services for both paediatrics and neonates. It consists of a specialised team of doctors, and trained staff who assist in diagnosing, investigating, and treating health problems with the help of appropriate facilities and technology. In addition, it is also a learning and teaching centre for health purposes and as a research centre on par with university health centres at the national and international levels.

Our Objective

To reduce mortality and morbidity of all children up to 18 years of age  To provide comprehensive medical care and to assess physical and mental development for all paediatric and neonate patients admitted to the hospital.   To educate parents regarding the importance of medical and continuous care at home.  

Our Vision

All children can enjoy the highest attainable standard of health through access to facilities for the promotion of wellness; prevention and treatment of illness; and rehabilitation of health.  The Paediatric department of Hospital University Malaysia Sabah will be the centre of excellence in paediatric medical teaching, research and service in the state of Sabah. 

Our Mission

The Paediatric Department of Hospital Universiti Malaysia Sabah aims to deliver a quality, client-sensitive medical services with the following strategies:   A holistic approach encompassing the promotive, preventive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative dimensions.  First Teaching Hospital centre in Borneo.  Emphasis on the dignity of the child, respect for his/her individuality and rights to be heard and his/her choices respected.  Cultivation of a culture of continuing quality improvement (CQI) with institutionalisation of quality assessment and audit.  Ensuring that all staff have the opportunity and encouragement to improve their competence and skills by an active continuous medical education (CME) and continuous nursing education (CNE) programme.  Advocating for the rights of the child on the relevant local and national issues.  Inculcating the essence of the corporate culture of “caring, teamwork and professionalism” in our daily lives.   Medical research. 


Paediatrics is a medical specialty that manages medical conditions and provides care for newborns, infants, children, and early adolescents.

  1. Paediatric Specialist Outpatient Clinic
  2. General Paediatric  Ward
  3. Transport Of Ill Child To Tertiary Centre
  4. Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, Level 1, Level 2 & Level 3
  5. Transitional Care Unit

Currently, only the Paediatric Specialist Outpatient Clinic and Combine Clinic at CHAMP UMS Center are operating. The operating hours are every Monday to Wednesday according to the set appointment time.
Hospital Universiti Malaysia Sabah
88400, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Hotline - (088) 320-0000 (212300)


Last Modified

  • Last Modified: Thursday 20 February 2025, 04:40:04.